Home nursing care station

What is Home nursing care station?

People who need recuperation can get medical assistance at home without staying at hospital – called Home nursing.When you stay at hospital, nurses visit your “room” and support your recuperation, coming from “nurse station” at hospital.It may be easier to understand if you replace the area from hospital ward to entire region.If your “neighborhood” is “ward”, “home nursing station” is nurse station at hospital, “your home” is hospital room.

Nurse of Home nursing care station offer Medical and care service based on instruction of your doctor.We provide 24 hours support in cooperation with hospital, you can feel relieved in case of emergency.

Open hours

Open hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun National

※Closed on Sundays

Call TEL. 0438-38-6777
Our features
Our mottoes are “swift”, “smile” and “hospitality”.
  • We take care of people in a wide range of age groups from toddlers to elders.
  • We support a lot of staff from daily to medical.
  • We offer palliative care, terminal care, and angel care.
  • Home nursing care is COVERED both health insurance and Long-term care insurance.
  • 24 hours support system.
Support area : Kisarazu, Kimitsu, Sodegaura and Futtsu.
(We can go outside the support area. Please ask.)


Fee as one example below.

When applied to Long-term care insurance (per visiting)

  Designated units Co-payment(10%)
Less than 20 mins 313units \320
Less than 30 mins 470units 480
30mins or more and less than an hour 821units \839
an hour or more and less than an hour and a half 1,125units 1,149
Emergency visit additional 574units \587

※Co-payment is 10% of the price of designated units multiplied by regional addition 1.21.Less than 1 yen is rounded up

When applied to Health insurance (per 1 day)

30mins or more and less than an hour \965
24 hours support system addition \640/month

※Less than 10 yen is rounded up.<br>
※Co-payment could be 20 or 30% depending on patients’ age and income.

Various credit card acceptable.

Various credit cards acceptable for treatment NOT covered by health insurance other than cash.

Cash only for treatment COVERED by health insurance.
Medical Service information

Medical subject

Reception hours

AM 9am to 12 noon

PM 2:30pm to 5:30 pm

  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun National
Internal Medicine Dentistry
Internal medicine / Dentistry

Open all year round (except New Year holiday) even on Saturday, Sunday and National holiday.

※Reception may finish early due to congestion.

※Please give yourself a little extra time when you come to clinic.



Only on the 3rd Sunday.

Accept over 1 yo child

※Open on Sunday of National holiday



Sat:9am to 12noon
Sun:9am to 12noon,2:30pm to 5:30pm

※Open on Saturday and Sunday of National Holiday.