Senior Day Care Center

To live more fulfilling life

Bring back the experience “I can do it”

This is short-term facility specialized in rehabilitation and function training. Pick up car available.

Available hours

8am to 5pm Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun National

Open all year round (except New Year holidays)

Call TEL. 0438-38-6772
Our purpose
2nd clinic Senior day care center is established to fulfill an ardent desire “My body control is getting out of my way, but I want to keep exercising.”
We also aim to make a facility which could be second place (where you belong other than your home).

“Moderate exercise and communication” are important to make our life more fulfilled.But as we get older the opportunities to go outside are decreasing, at the same time, less involved in community. If you try to exercise or rehabilitate by yourself, it’s difficult to continue and there is no communication.

At our center, you can get to know other users and staffs through rehabilitation and exercising in relaxing atmosphere. Not only keep and improve body functionality, we also compensate sociality and social role, and they lead to self-reliance support.
Actions for self-reliance support -What is power rehabilitations?-
Train the movement very close to daily movement such as “stand up, walk, sit and weight shift” using medical exercise machine specially made for elderly and people with disease.

You can exercise with correct posture and suitable load by using special machine, so you can exercise repeatedly and safely, not like strength training.There is research report says this machines load on body is same as bathing.

You can wake up sleeping nerves and muscles, there are effects to not only physical recovery, but also mental recovery and various disease (Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular disease, lumbago and knee pain).
Applicable personnel of Senior day care center (Certification of Long-term care insurance is required)

Over 65 years old with nursing care certification (Requiring help 1 or 2, Long-term care lever 1 to 5)

40~64 years old who need nursing care for certain disease associated with aging and have nursing care certification (Requiring help 1 or 2, Long-term care lever 1 to 5)

Optimal for personnel who…

Want to exercise but uneasy to do alone
Stambles upon a little step
Can’t continue to exercise by oneself
Has less opportunity to talk to someone else
Has less opportunity to go outside and tend to stay home
Wants to exercise to prevent bedridden
Finished rehabilitation at hospital and wants to continue under the guidance of experts

Time table

We have 2 sets on one day. Please choose one.

Morning set Afternoon set Program
8am 12:30pm
Pick up・arrival
We pick you up at your home by car
8:30am 1:30pm
Health checkup
You have health checkup such as measuring your blood pressure, pulse and body temperature.
8:45am 1:45pm
Warming-up exercizes and stretch
Get ready to do machine and self-training safely and efficiently
9:25am 2:25pm
Machine training
(power rehabilitation)
Wake up your sleeping muscle using 6 models, 9 kinds of training machine.
10:35am 3:35pm
Aiming to improve movement of daily life.
11:15am 4:15pm
Cooling down
Stretching muscles and ease the burden on body and heart.
11:35am 4:35pm
Prepare to go home
Check your blood pressure and pulse again.
11:45am~ 4:45pm~
Departure and transfer
We drop you off at home entrance by car.


Below is an example of co-payment (10%) of Long-term care insurance.

Day-care service to prevent Long-term care (Requiring help)

Nursing level

Basic service fee

units (a month)

Machinery functional improvement addition (a month)

Regional addition


(a month)



Requiring help 1 1,672単位 225単位 10.14 1,965円 24単位 44
Requiring help 2 3,428単位 3,786円 48単位 85


Nursing level

Basic service fee

units (a month)

Personal functional training additionⅠ(ロ)(1ヶ月)

Regional addition




Long-term care level 1 368単位 85単位 10.14 477円 6単位 11
Long-term care level 2 421単位 532円 12
Long-term care level 3 477単位 590円 13
Long-term care level 4 530単位 645円 14
Long-term care level 5 585単位



Regional addition
Long-term care fee is specified units multiplied by regional addition.
Co-payment is 10 or 20% of it.


Machinery functional improvement addition
225 units/month is added as machinery functional improvement addition.

“Requiring help” user’s fee is set as monthly by regulations of Long-term care insurance.
Specified fee is applied even when you use only once.

Actual invoice amount may differ according to rounding of Long-term care units.

Various credit card acceptable.

Various credit cards acceptable for treatment NOT covered by health insurance other than cash.

Cash only for treatment COVERED by health insurance.
Medical Service information

Medical subject

Reception hours

AM 9am to 12 noon

PM 2:30pm to 5:30 pm

  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun National
Internal Medicine Dentistry
Internal medicine / Dentistry

Open all year round (except New Year holiday) even on Saturday, Sunday and National holiday.

※Reception may finish early due to congestion.

※Please give yourself a little extra time when you come to clinic.



Only on the 3rd Sunday.

Accept over 1 yo child

※Open on Sunday of National holiday



Sat:9am to 12noon
Sun:9am to 12noon,2:30pm to 5:30pm

※Open on Saturday and Sunday of National Holiday.